Why is Fort Myers Beach taking so long to recover? Lets compare…
28 months since Hurricane Ian hit Fort Myers Beach so why is Fort Myers Beach moving at a snail's pace? Let's do a comparison. FMB vs Lahaina Maui. On Sept 28th 2022, Hurricane Ian came onto FMB shores. Hurricane Ian was a cat 4 and FMB is 6.2 miles of land. 900...
Top 10 reasons to live on Fort Myers Beach
Top 10 reasons to live on Fort Myers Beach Living on Fort Myers Beach, Florida, offers a range of appealing benefits. Here are ten top reasons why people might choose to call it home: Beautiful Beaches: Fort Myers Beach boasts stunning white sand beaches and clear,...
FEMA wants the business trailers removed from Fort Myers Beach by November 18th
FEMA wants the business trailers removed from Fort Myers Beach by November 18th. It's been 2 years since hurricane Ian destroyed Fort Myers Beach and now FEMA once again has changed the rules and wants all shipping containers, trailers and storage trailers removed...
The Declining Prices of Homes on Fort Myers Beach, Florida are a cause for concern
Fort Myers Beach,has long been a desirable destination for both tourists and homebuyers seeking the quintessential, laid-back Florida lifestyle. However, when hurricane Ian struck on Sept. 28, 2022, that all changed. Ian covered the entire island with 15-20 feet of...
Welcome to FortMyersBeachLife.com
Welcome to Fort Myers Beach Life! We are a new voice for the voices that have been silenced. Since the hurricane, we have had very few sources of the local news and only one source to respond to topics to let our voices be heard. Unfortunately, if our opinion isn’t...